
The Matthew Flinders Series 1799 CURRENT WORK IN PROGRESS

An Exhibition in process - aiming at a Show Opening in 2024

Having left Sydney on 8 July 1799 in H.M. Sloop "Norfolk" he reached Cape Moreton on 14 July and landed on Bribie Island on 16 July. Flinders' crew included his brother Samuel and Bongaree, a Broken Bay (NSW) Indigenous man. Landing on Bribie Island they had a minor skirmish with the Ngunda people.

Flinders went on to explore Moreton Bay but, failing to find a river, returned to Bribie to beach the Norfolk near White Patch for repairs.

During this period he had named Point Skirmish, Pumice Stone River, and Red Cliff Point (now South Point, Pumicestone Channel, and Woody Point). Finding that there was a passage (South Passage) from Glass House Bay to the ocean, he named the land to the north of it, Moreton Island. Other islands he discovered were Mud, St. Helena, Green, King, Peel, and Coochie Mudlo.

While repairs were underway Flinders explored west to the Glasshouse mountains scaling Mt. Beerburrum to get a view of the area and stood at the foot of Mt. Tibrogargan. He stayed 15 days in the region.


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